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About Me

                                                    (My Hermonie Low-Key Cosplay)
Hello, I’m Sammy!
          I’m a Microbiologist by trade but a nerd at heart. I started this blog because I want to try to connect all areas of my couch potato life. I am going to do my best to motivate you to try new things and become more active with reviews, tips and tricks, and things to try. I will definitely be a learning curve.
          Besides my love of science, fandoms, and exercising, I am also an animal lover, HGTV fanatic and foodie. An odd combination of things but there’s so many new things to try and things to fan girl over.
I will try my best to post an article every Wednesday. I will also do my best to post anything that I find helpful to your health and/or interesting things worth trying, with touches of my personal life thrown in. You can also find me on Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest, (mostly Pinterest because I’m addicted).
And if anyone ever wants to talk about fandoms, exercising, nutrition or really anything, please subscribe and email directly. I enjoy talking with anyone and am a pretty good listener if I do say so myself.
Keep in contact!



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